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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 41 - And...

Sorry about that....I was supposed to fill you in last night but I just passed right out!  I was running on empty and needed to catch some zzzz's.  I need to be on my game at work.

Here's how it went:

Friday afternoon, Jerry met the girls at the hotel in Chelsea.  I met him after work and we conducted our final fitting, tried on the shoes, determined any last minute adjustments, had a drink at the bar and headed home to get ourselves pulled together for Saturday.  Jerry, my mom & I spent all night finishing up.  Not that we had THAT much to do...but it was kind of helping us to release our nerves a bit by staying up and calmly working through everything left to do.  At 1:00am, there was a knock on the door...who showed up?  My brother Tommy, my little sis Jaclene and her little friend Jackie.  At 1am the day before our shoot!  In all the hustle & bustle getting prepped for the weekend, we still had a 21st birthday to celebrate!  Princess Jaclene's long awaited birthday.  We got everyone settled, made the beds and continued sewing.

Right at about 5:30am, we went to bed only to wake up 2 hours later.  Now the pressure was on.  We needed to be professional, be on time, get the girls to the shoot by 9am, meet up with our photographer Donnie, Tamara & Lisette (hair & makeup) and keep it cool at the same time. We did just fine.  Somehow, once we walked out the door, we felt relieved and ready for the weekend, albeit very tired.

We officially started taking photos around 11am or so.  Kylee was our first set and honestly, we were speechless.  She needed about 5 minutes to get warmed up.  That's it.  From that point forward, we were stunned...

More to follow tomorrow!  Have a great day!

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