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Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 55 - "The tongue has no bones, yet it breaks bones"

I had never heard this proverb before yesterday. Seems coincidental that I would hear such a clear and concise thought at church this very weekend.  Yes, I'm a spiritual person.  Though not a bible beater, I have a strong faith grounded in a solid upbringing, thanks to my parents and all the good and decent people around me.  Maybe too many good people in my small town that I was protected from the true creeps in the world.  Who knew that with so many honest people that the world had room for so many of the dirty ones?  Alas, this world never ceases to amaze me.

I am a strong believer in that things happen for a reason.  I am also a strong believer that we are spoken to in mysterious ways.  That is what happened yesterday. These words came through and I knew immediately who in my world this was directed to.  How interesting that people just simply aren't able to support others, that when a person is doing well and achieving all they've ever wanted, someone insignificant comes along and does their best to stomp on it, at any cost and whatever it takes.  Some just can't handle that others have it so well pulled together and have a good life and, in their small world, so it appears that some of us have much more compared to them.  Not in dollars, not in material items or real estate or love or any of those things.  But in true control of their own circle, true confidence in who they are, true comfort in their own skin and without fluff, without untruths, without the need to exaggerate...just simply "this is who I am, love it or leave it."  But isn't that envy the evil creeping into the world?  Those whose loathing is so extreme, those who are so disgusted by your confidence that they stoop to deceit to take down the good ones?  It's out there.  For sure. 

Eh, it happens, doesn't it.  Thank goodness for resilience.  Thank goodness for strength and thank goodness that no one can ever take away one's talent, one's skill, one's dream to make life everything that it can be.  Don't take "no" for an answer, don't let others pull you down for being an overachiever, for living life.  Don't let them reduce you to a life of mediocrity and conformity.  Don't let them silo you into being a sheep.  We live life once.  Fill it up with as much as you can while you can.  The nature of human dynamics will allow them to knock you down for a brief moment but those of us who are strong and determined, and those who have been faced with these "types" before, those who bleed perseverance, those of us who know that envy and deceit are all around also know that the immediate feeling the other one receives as a "win" is just a flash in the pan.  Anyone with a soul knows that winning by deceit it not truly a win at all.  The true winner never really arrives at their final destination, they're always looking ahead to the next goal.  It almost makes you want to feel pity on the others but...

I love positivity and I thrive on challenge.  I love the feeling of freedom and living life to the fullest.  Eliminate those in your world who are green.  When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. And if someone comes along and poisons the lemonade, spill it out and get a new glass. 

This week, Overton Monroe is focused on the future.  We have a lovely level of success ahead of us and we will push forward until we reach it.  Thank you to our supporters!  Thank you to our mentors!  Thank you to those who follow their gut, make their dreams happen and hold steady until the dream is realized. Thank you to those who love life and live it.


  1. Lead, follow, or get out of the way

  2. Amazing!! Honestly, print this on some fancy paper, frame it, and sell it!!! You're an inspiration to all the go-getters out there!!

  3. Shame on those who try to pull you down.

  4. Sometimes the people around you will not let you lead. They fear that you know too much. Even scarier, that you know more than they.

  5. This really is proud of's obvious those thoughts are from somewhere deep in your soul....God Bless You, Honey. Love you. Mom

  6. When someone tries to bring you down in a destructive way, don't be afraid to cut the cord.
