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Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 29 - Things are looking up...a little anyway

Really quick post today.  Much more optimistic, maybe because it's Friday?  Yeah...that sounds good.  Looking toward the weekend to really get caught up after this extra heavy week.

Attached here are photos of Betty.  She's still in work a bit but, have a look.  We love her and are excited to see how she turns out after today.

Also attaching here the start of our tech packs.  All are created but they need a little massaging and more info to be added.  Just about 60% complete. 

We're canceling our photo shoot in Western PA.  Unfortunately, the support we need just isn't there.  No biggie, we'll relocate to the Eastern PA or NYC area.  We're in fine shape. 

Oh!!  Also including a sneak peak of our website layout.  This is a mapping of the layout.  Really basic and all the pics are subs but you'll get the idea of where we're going.

Enjoy and see you on Monday!

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