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Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 25 - Back to the Grind

Jan 3rd, 2011, boy it's gonna be tough to get back to the real world today.  Christmas/New Year's break was fabulously successful for Overton Monroe.

More updates: Last Thursday, as you know, Jerry and I headed back to the garment center to buy our lace and jersey knit.  We just arrived on 42nd Street when I had an epiphany!  To Jerry, "Let's just swing by this little place on 40th" never thinking we would be able to afford it in our margin.  Lo & behold!  They were JUST what we were looking for.  So we put Wednesday's source on hold, spent 2 hours at our magnificant little gem of a place and purchased all our lace (minus that for 1 bugger program, which is driving us up a wall).  Success! Major task - CHECK!

All giddy, done slightly ahead of schedule with the lace, we were off in search of our silk jersey knit.  Up & down 39th street with no luck.  Finally, one little guy said to us "Go to Mood" and so off we went.  Mood is like walking right into heaven for people obsessed with doing what we do.  It's a dream come true.  Everything you can imagine all in one monster place.  Of course, you pay for it but at least you know there's a good chance they'll have what you're looking for. 

We found our silk jersey....but at $25.00/yard, less expensive than most of our other options and all of our color needs satisfied.  But, just didn't set right with me. Not a bad price, considering silk jersey at 54" cuttable width and at retail pricing.  Just not good enough though.  We need that quality at a more affordable cost.  Ironically, that same bugger program awaiting the correct lace (mentioned above) happens to be the same for which we need the jersey.  Should we scrap this program altogether?  I mean, it's a possibility.  After all, it's our line so we can pretty much do that if we so choose.  We still have 15 other styles to show for market.  But we really want her.  She's a special program and if there's ANY way to make it happen, we will. But we need to get started on the others as first priority.

Ok, bear with me, lots of progress since last Thursday's blog.

Yesterday, we re-designed our logo, developed our hangtags, developed and ordered our business cards.  We also secured the "landing page" for our website  Now we just need to get the new logo up there.

Here's a sneak peak of the new logo.  Better, right?

1 comment:

  1. Really love the Logo.. much easier to read and make out the letters. Is the O smaller than the M on purpose?
