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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 36 - The Light at the End of the Tunnel

We are almost there!  Kicking butt over here in the OM studio (well actually, my apartment).  We had the craziest, busiest weekend and I think we're still recovering! 

As of Monday evening, we have 9 samples constructed.  We are closer but not "finished" with them yet.  We still have to add straps and buttons.  But we are damn close on those first 9 samples.  The balance 2 programs (Shirley and Ollie) are on deck. Shirley is all cut and Jerry's planning to sew her today.  Ollie is not yet cut but my mom is planning to tackle her today too, just as soon as Jerry has a chance to cut her out.

The balance 2 programs (which equals 6 samples) should go relatively quickly.  Then we'll move back to deal with the finishing on all samples in time for Friday afternoon. We believe we're in good shape with the status of samples.  With a little luck, we'll not have a need to pull any all-nighters! 

We bought our shoes last night.  Thank goodness. We are covered on that front and have a back-up plan if, say, the shoes don't fit.  Here are our Plan A options:

We spoke with our models, got the snapshots for 2 of our 3 models (yes, we have only 3 now but that's ok).  Best news of the day?  They are coming up early on Friday afternoon!  Thank God!  We can fit at a reasonable hour...rather than midnight like we thought would be the case.  Thanks to the girls for that!

This is our updated plan for this week:
  • Tuesday thru Thursday - Continue sewing.
  • Tuesday: Still need to secure hair and makeup.  Today is the day we need to pull the trigger.  We absolutely need to get this done immediately.
  • Tuesday: Jewelry is shipping today from Mississippi. Jerry's very good friend Michael is offering his pieces for our shoot.  Thank you Michael!
  • Tuesday: Touch base with our web developer. We are working out the final details and he is prepping the site so basically, we just pop in the photos once the shoot is done on Sunday.
  • Wednesday/Thursday: Order food, wine, champagne.  Plan a celebratory dinner for the OM team.
  • Friday: Fitting with the girls, make necessary alterations, and style each look.
I know yesterday I mentioned that today, I'd share images of the samples....since we're so close and the samples are still being finished, I want to hold off on new pictures for now.  Let's see what happens by end of this week, sound ok?  I'll post Shirley & Ollie once they are constructed.

So great to have the long weekend but I'm back to work today and I need to get focused on that.  Jerry and my mom will take care of everything... Wish us luck!!  For the next several days, OM is running at full capacity. 

Thank you for following!

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