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Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 34 - "Here We Go"

She's heeeeere....

Our sewing queen arrived at 12:45am this morning.  Just in time for our big and highly anticipated extra-productive weekend.  Right on time. 

So now we have a mini workshop. Jerry is cutting, Marcie is sewing.  Jerry has one program left to cut, but he can't to that until I buy the dye.  We are short by just a bit in one lace also, of course the most expensive one.  But that's ok...I'll pick up 1 more yard today if I have a chance or tomorrow for sure.

What else?  Well, we have a very important creative meeting tomorrow with our photographer.  This meeting is key.  It's a turning point in order to properly prep for next weekends photo shoot.  Looking forward to a tight, meaningful and progressive brunch with good friends.

Shout out to my cousin Annette for her suggestion to update our logo on the web so it's much clearer.  Interesting the things you learn along the way.  This may sound dumb but I didn't realize that a .gif would give me a clearer digitial image than a .jpg.  You know...I was wondering about why it looked so blurry. 

And finally, apologies to my husband in advance for taking over our living space this weekend during the Steeler's AFC Divisional playoff game.  He may be sitting at the bar while we're sewing our little fingers to the bones.  But hey - as my grandma would say..."Them's the breaks!"

Happy Friday everyone!  Enjoy the holiday weekend...have a drink for me!  We'll be downing coffee to keep us going...

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