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Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 30 Non-stop

I was up until 2am last night working on stuff for my day job.  Tired today!  That's ok.  A little coffee and fresh air on my way to work and all will be fine! 2 more weeks of heavy workload like this and, at that point, all samples will be made, photo shoot completed then onward toward success in market!  Sell, sell, sell, or so we hope!

We have a pesky little credit card bill to pay, the Amex we've been swiping to take care of our development needs.  So we needed to open the official Overton Monroe banking account.  One more thing off the list.  All set up for receivables and payables.

Later that day, I thought to myself...."We don't have a Facebook Page! Or Twittter account for that matter." Check on that too!  All set in the communications department.  You can now choose your preferred mode of collecting news and updates from OM.  Check us out on Facebook or on Twitter @OvertonMonroe.

Yesterday was a day chock full of work stuff for me and sample making for Jerry.  We got 1 more sample done. We were hoping for 2 but, you know, things don't always work out as planned.  We're covered...come this Wednesday, we're bringin' in the troops!  The sewing master herself, the only person I know that can burn the midnight oil longer than mother.  Jerry to cut everything, my mom to hit it on the machine.  So there!

OH!  Almost forgot.  Here are the pics of our little "Ollie".  She's a silk jersey knit in dark nude.  She's still in work but a little trim and finishing and she's gonna be gorgeous.  The fabric alone is like butter...I think I'll have an Ollie for in every color!

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