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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 26 - Get it Goin'

Nerves setting in just a bit.  We have lots to do but as long as we stay on task and push forward each day, we'll be fine.

Since our raw materials are all covered, it's just a matter of sewing up each piece. Well, Mr. Jerry has that under control.  He started yesterday.  We have a definite 15 styles for our first season planned (18 if we find that we're sitting around twiddling our thumbs...unlikely). 

Our deadlines for the next 3 weeks:
Sample Making
Produce 3 samples by Friday....that's 4 days from today. 
Hopefully 2 over the weekend. 
Next week, 5 samples.
Following week, the last 5. 
That's 15 total. 

We've got to get someone on board.  Of course, we'll need to show them something first.  We'll get there!  We're very confident.  But who?  Who will pick us up?  Goal - Secure showroom appts by end of next week.

We spoke with our guy last night.  He's all over it and expects to produce something for us to see by Thursday. Our needs are fairly simple.  We're looking for clean, simple, easy navigation for the user.  No excess bells & whistles.  Cut to the chase.  Website complete minus photos by 1/18. Photos added by 2/1.

Photo Shoot
Get the venue's director on the phone - TUESDAY
Finalize our photographer - WEDNESDAY
Finalize hair stylist and makeup artist - WEDNESDAY
Buy lighting - SATURDAY
Buy shoes - SATURDAY
Arrange transportation for the models - SATURDAY
Double check that all accessories are A-OK (jewelry & pantyhose) - SATURDAY

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