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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 31 - Snow PLEASE!

Meteorologists are predicting another big snow storm tomorrow!!! PLEASE, OH, PLEASE!  Yes, I'm praying for snow.  That would give us an entire day to SEW, SEW, SEW

Our day this morning started with a review of Betty.  Poor Mr. Jerry.  He spent all day yesterday perfectly handsewing the last bit of trim on Betty.  Not a stitch can be found on this beautifully handsewn trim!  The only trouble is that the trim is sewn on upside down!!  How's that for a motivating morning!  At least we're laughing about it but it is oh so sad....DAMN IT!  Ok, we'll fix it.  Task #1 for Mama Marcie when she arrives tomorrow (or maybe Thursday depending on that snow storm).

Have a look....

The good news is that we're crossing off the tasks on the to-do list.

10 Days and Counting....Here's what we have to do:
Sample Making
3 done
12 to go
Nothing more to say at the moment, only that we're in the thick of it and plowing through as best we can.

Photo Shoot
We've divided our shoot into 2 parts:
- First, we're shooting here in NYC at a studio with our fabulous and very generous friend.  He'll be taking all the photos in studio of each of our 15 styles.
- Second, we're hoping to shoot on location in a fancy hotel bathroom.  That venue is TBD.  More details to follow on that once we secure a hotel with just the backdrop we're looking for.  I'm a little nervous about this.  However, worst case scenario, we forgo this altogether for our inaugural season and intro for next season....but we still really want to do it. Most likely, one way or another, we'll figure out how to make it happen.
- Still working on hair stylist and makeup artist. 
-No need for lighting now since we're in studio.  Once we secure the hotel, we'll determine if lighting is needed and what exactly we'll need.
- We still need shoes....very much later on the priority list.  We're going for clean, 5" heels.  Gorgeous in the simplicity of the shoe.
- We've arranged all models to get to NYC.
- Pantyhose are all good.  Waiting for the status on jewelry, but we believe we're gonna be fine on that.

We've STILL got to get someone on board.  Just a few more samples done and we can feel better about showing a fair representation of our line.  Still on edge about finding a partner to sell our stuff.  Back up plan....we hire a vibrant little sales girl named Jackie to hit the pavement! 
Just pushing through on this one.  No new reports.  This goes hand in hand with getting a showroom on board.  Once the samples and the site are in better shape, we can feel better about presenting something solid to showrooms, buyers, etc.

Main Labels
In work as well.  Hoping to see samples soon.  This is a later priority as we do not need labels in the garments for our photo shoot.  These can come during the first ten days of Feb.

Breathe....deeply.  This is FUN!

1 comment:

  1. OMG !!!!! I'm a wreck and I'm not even there yet !!!!!!!! I love this picture !!!
