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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 38 - 2 Days & Counting...

Yesterday was a pill.  Jerry had a lot of trouble with our last program.  To be frank, Shirley has been a bitch!  I can't say I have hands on knowledge of that since I spent the day at work in the City....but I know, I sense Jerry's frustration.  I mean, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that when the sample goes flying across the room, that's not usually a good sign...  A little breather and some rest, I'm sure he'll be ready to get her done today. 

We did have some great news!  Hair and makeup is secured, the last piece of the puzzle is complete!  That was stressing us out for sure.  Tamara is tremendous and, once again, we feel lucky.  She completely "gets it" which is fabulous.  One after the other, all of the talented & creative individuals involved have really just been perfect.  We absolutely feel like someone is placing people right in our path. And most important, everyone involved is as excited about this thing as we are!  That's of key importance.  I mean, you want people to be interested right?  So that it's not just another job.  We want people to be into it! And fortunately, this is indeed the case. Check out Tamara's site,  I'm certain you'll be impressed.  We are in love!

Update on the website.  I spoke with Mike from Squirrel Media,  He's got our website in great shape, although he needs a bit more information from me with regards to the "content" plus he'll need all of the photographs as soon as possible after this weekend.  Otherwise, he's ready to rock & roll as soon as those details are passed to him.  Last night, I passed quite a bit more of the content so he'll have something to tide him over until the photos are passed (hopefully early next week). 

Here's where we stand with regards to sampling status:
Ellen Full Slip – straps/buttons
Ellen Cami – straps/buttons
Ellen Skirt – waistband elastic
Lucy Full Slip – straps/buttons
Lucy Cami – straps/buttons
Lucy Skirt – waistband elastic
Betty Full Slip – straps/buttons
Betty Cami – hand sewing of lace at hem/straps/buttons
Betty Skirt – waistband elastic
Shirley Full Slip – NO COMMENT...
Shirley Cami – NO COMMENT...
Shirley Skirt – NO COMMENT...
Ollie Full Slip – straps/buttons
Ollie Cami – straps/buttons
Ollie Skirt – waistband elastic

Our jewelry is en route!  We are dying to see it!  Michael Campbell really kicked butt for us.  He sent a pile of handcrafted vintage-inspired creations and we can't wait for the package to arrive!  You'll love it.  He has a Facebook page called Wayward Wearables and he's selling on Etsy also.

Ok, but we're kind of a wreck....we have another big snow storm coming from Pittsburgh directly toward NYC.  And Bill Evans (for those outside of the NYC viewing area, he's our ABC meteorologist) just announced that this weekend is going to be "brutally cold."  And our girls are crossing the state of Pennsylvania via the Megabus first thing tomorrow morning, uh oh.  What happens if they can't get on the bus?  What if it's booked completely?  OMG!  Now I'm getting nervous again...

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