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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 28 - Ugh...

Yesterday proved to be challenging, at least as far as forward progress is concerned. 

Our business cards came in....awful.  We'll have to spend the time to deal with that and get them remade.  Who wants to do that?  But if we don't, we won't have business cards, so we'll have to deal with it.

Still can't get the venue's director on the phone and no reply on email either.  I'm so confused about that.  All the other employees at this place are excited about the photo shoot! Why won't he even call us back?  It's not that hard to say "Hello, I'm 'Mr. so & so'...we don't want you here!" or better yet, "Hello, I'm 'Mr. so & so' have free reign of the entire resort.  Enjoy and let us know if there is anything more we can do for you."  Errr.....sometimes it's worth it to stick to New York.  For sure, you'll get a reply...may not be what you want to hear but these people get shit done at least.

Photographer....well, we really wanted this girl from here in NYC, a friend of a friend, who is building her portfolio and whose photos are amazing.  Unfortunately, doesn't seem that she's gonna work out.  So sad.  But, that same mutual friend is offering up her boyfriend.  He is AMAZING, happens to be a set designer among other talents and...his portfolio is killer!  Can we get him??  God I hope so.  We need him!  We have one other good friend up our sleeve, but she's kinda tied I don't want to screw up her plans unless we are DESPERATE enough to ask her to change her plans and spend the evening taking our photos!

Hair & Makeup....also nothing firm.  The good news?  Well, my mother was a hairdresser back in the day.  Jerry and I, as you know, are theater people (or used to be anyway).  We can get the dramatic makeup down.  But still, we'd rather have the skills of someone who does this regularly. Know what I mean?

In short, our photo shoot is looking pretty darn sad.  We had a great plan and we're now a little on edge about it.  Can we forego the shoot altogether?  I mean, I guess we could.  We can take all the photos with a great backdrop on a dress form and be done with it.  BUT, our shoot idea is super cool and we really want it....  It's ok, we can revisit the shoot in our second season.

On the other 3 fronts, we're still working on securing Showrooms, or at least 1 showroom.  Back up plan?  We'll peddle the goods ourselves.  I have no problem with that. 

Our website is in work and going strong.  Just passed somewhat of a layout to our designer last night.  He should be well on his way to get it done on time.

Final and most critical task, sample making is smooth.  Jerry is kicking butt and moving right along.  Thank goodness one of us is able to carry our load. 

I need to catch up!  This week has kicked my boss at work (he's terrific!) but this newness comes with lots of meetings and lots of things placed on the back burner, and I don't like having things carry over from day to day.  If I can't cross off everything on my task list in a day, I start to feel pressure. Definitely a task driven person....give me to-do's and it'll get done.  Wait a minute!  Stop! Channel my mother's my mother's energy.  Focus, stop feeling overwhelmed, and get this stuff done!  I need to revisit my "to-do" lists.

Photos of "Betty" to follow tomorrow along with our tech pack.  Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Don't let this stress y'all! I know Jerry is a "hustla" and from the sound of it, so are you! I have NO doubt that every thing will work out! I LOVE reading the progress!
