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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day 22 - Put on the brakes!

As I'm typing, my husband and I are cruising across the mountains of Pennsylvania, en route to New Castle for Christmas. I'm putting on the brakes just a bit to celebrate the Holidays with family & friends. But not too much! Still lots to accomplish before heading back to my 9 to 5er...back to the grind on Jan 3rd.

As it turns out, I've got 4 samples to fit on Kylee sometime over the next few days.

Today's tasks:

1/ I'll spend the afternoon working on emailing as many showrooms as possible.

2/ Gotta contact our chosen web developer, with whom I spoke yesterday. We are all a go with Squirrel Media, found on Now we're rollin on that!

Jerry is staying back at our place in NJ. Layin' low and focusing on correcting the remaining patterns. He's planning to start swatching self fabrics and lace. And next week, we'll make our final selections, buy all the raw materials, and get prepped for sewing salesman samples starting the first of January 2011.

Hang tight ya'll! We're in for an exciting ride. Come January, we are boogieing for a good 6 weeks straight. Taking tomorrow off. See you on Monday!

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