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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 14 - Welcome to the Big Leagues

After about 15 months, and after running myself ragged, I felt like I hit the ceiling at Nanette.  While I had tremendous training, an immense amount of work entrusted to me and an amazing experience, I was ready to move on to a new challenge.  So, I was crazy on the job hunt...interviewing at places like Vera Wang, Rebecca Taylor and the big guy....Marc Jacobs. 

Mid-December I received the call.  "When are you available to come in for an interview?"  Oh my God....I almost couldn't breath.  Of course, I scheduled right away, or should I say, I scheduled a "Dr. Appointment."

Side-bar: In the days that I was interviewing for the next step of my career, and considering that most people at my workplace were not wearing interview style clothes on a daily basis, I had to get creative with my attire so not to sound any alarms that I was running out on my lunch hours for interviews or to fake Dr. Appointments.  The things I had to do are embarrassing.  Changing shoes in the elevators.  Wearing a skirt with a cami then throwing on the blazer and high-heels in a Starbucks bathroom.  Changing out clothing items in the taxi.  Hair in a slicked back pony tail, then back down as I returned to work.  Slapping on the make-up and lip gloss.  Whew!  It was bazaar.  I mean...I felt like a nut but, hey, had to do what I had to do.  After all, I couldn't afford to lose the job that I had.

What in the world do I wear to an interview at Marc Jacobs?  I didn't have any money to buy something incredible so what the heck was I gonna do?  When all else the big sister.  Amy told me "Tight pony tail and black suit.  You need to look classy."  Well, she had been right before so why not?  I should have considered the fact that she was coming from the perspective of an attorney (black suits, black pantyhose, black heels, slicked back hair).  Ok, so I had a great Nanette Lepore suit.  I figured, that'll be perfect!  I'll do that. 

To this day, my future boss mentions that black suit every now and again.  She thought it was hysterical.  What the hell did I know?  I was just barely 1 year into the industry and didn't know anything about the work environment or aethetic at MJ.  Looking back, I don't know...I guess I did something right because I GOT THE JOB!?!?!!!  What were they thinking?  Did they really think I was capable?  Again, only 1 year experience and now I would be managing a developing area of the business?  Oh goes! Dig in and figure it out I guess...

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