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Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 15 - Hold on and Don't Let Go!

I remember during my interview with our VP, she gave it to me straight.  She said to me, "We need you to wrap your arms around this and make it work."  They needed someone willing to take a risk, someone motivated and challenge driven, someone willing to see it through and become immersed. No mediocrity here.  Expectations were high and I had a challenge ahead of me.  This was my passion and the feeling was right.  I was ready. 

Within the first two weeks at MJ, I was on my very first international business trip.  I was heading to Lodz, Poland and Guimaraes, Portugal along with my boss, our designer, our product development guy and our fit model.  Big trip for a young women trying to figure out the proper business etiquette in this highfalutin and incredibly exhilarating industry while doing what I could to live up to expectation in this new role.  At the same time, I still had LOTS to learn. 

This trip was a listen, learn and follow training session for me.  Let my boss show me the ropes and absorb everything. Ask a few questions but mostly, keep my mouth shut and learn.

I remember that I didn't have a suitcase to take with me that looked decent enough to expose to my co-workers.  So I bought a new one.  Well, on a 1 week trip to 2 different countries, I need options, right?  I better buy a big bag.  What if I want to bring home souveniers? So that's exactly what I did.  I bought the big boy...a huge red suitcase with plenty of extra room for goodies. BIG mistake.  Everyone else carried snazzy, handheld duffle bags, tight and sharp and half the size of my monster suitcase.  Errr.....mistake #1.

HOWEVER, as we left Warsaw before making our way back to JFK, we detoured to a fantastic little flea market that offered loads of antiques.  Oh, if I could only have about a week just to sift through those treasures!  Well, my boss found the most gorgeous candelabras.  No room in her little bag fat bag had just enough space.  Big red monster to the rescue!

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