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Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 18 - New York, New York

March, 2007 - Back to NYC...finally!  That's it. No more trying to mix it up.  I am here to stay.  What more could I ask for?  I'm back in a fabulous job in fabulous SoHo doing what I've always wanted to do, working for the most amazing designer of our time, traveling and doing my thing.  Mike's doing great with his job, we have a cool apartment (albeit across the Hudson on the NJ side), our little Honey girl (our dog, that is) and we are a-ok.  Life threw us a few more ups & downs, some difficult moments for sure but frankly, after what we had been through in the years just prior, we were more resilient.  We were closer in our marriage and tougher, ready to handle whatever would come our way. 

And so there we've remained for the next few years. 

Fast forward, May 2010.  I started a new job working for a start-up called Reed Krakoff.  Mike changed course, starting in a completely new path and has returned to school full time at Sloan-Kettering.  I'll be making clothes, he'll be saving lives.

So now you know the background stories, where we have been and how Jerry, Mike and I got to NYC. Enough about the past!

And now.... The Making of Overton Monroe.  See you on Monday!

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