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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 58 - Pebbles

Just so, so much to do!  How do we get it all done?  How did I get it all done before?  Well, we just need to keep moving forward, keep looking ahead, one day at a time. 

We are moving into our R&D Road Trip Weekend to do our research for the Resort 2011 collection.  Can't wait to hit the open road!

Update on the look books....hardcopies are still not done.  We are just torn and, therefore, kind of procrastinating for a minute.  We've got several quotes on a variety of different qualities but we just don't know which one to choose.  We need another day or two, one more place to check and luckily, it takes only about 2 days to get the books printed.  The good news is that the digital look book is all set, line sheet is all set and website is done.

No update on the sales side.  Still doing what we can to push forward there...but it's early yet.  Fall 2011 Fashion Week is not quite over and sales will continue on for the next 4-5 weeks.  We just need our orders in by end of March and we'll be fine for production delivery (honestly even mid-April and we're still cool).

We have 2 more press pieces coming up within the next week and potentially a third big one!  We will keep you posted once those articles are published.

Thought for today:
"Nobody trips over mountains.  It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble.  Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain."  ~Author Unknown

Huh, similar to the more famous statement, "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" and the small stuff comes in many ways and on many different faces.  They will try to derail you.  Don't let them!

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