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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 56 - Ready, Aim.....FIRE!

In the past several days, OM has been developing its sales strategy.  Friday evening, we met with our sales guy, briefed him on all the garments, the fabrics, the seaming and details.  We walked through points to call out, details which might be interesting to buyers, walked through the wholesale and retail pricing, target customer, etc, etc.  All the things a sales person would need to run with it.  Then on Saturday, we were so lucky to spend time with an amazingly talented businessman.  Someone we look up to and, especially after having met, we have the utmost respect for the him and the successful business he has built.

We spent yesterday creating a list of boutiques we'd like to approach.  Next step?  Approach them!  Let's hope they like what they see and agree that there is a void in the market.

Goals this week:
  • Hit the phones
  • We also have a bit more work to do on the site.  Just a few little things so we'll take care of that by next Monday hopefully.
  • Take an inspirational road trip to gather some vintage items and antiques which will lead us into the Resort 2011 season. 
  • Prepare for industry trade shows.
Oh!  I almost forgot!!  We have press! Yippee!  What a very nice Valentine's Day surprise.  Thank you Tamara!  We love your support.

What else....well, Jerry and I have lots and lots of plans.  We LOVE Overton Monroe and the places we envision it will take us. Aside from focusing on our line, we have some other creative endeavors stewing.  Stay tuned, we have some work to do before I can expose what's going on but I are gonna love it!

You may be curious about yesterday's post.  Well, it stems from a deep philosophy and passion within.  I am sick of people trying to rain on my parade (it has happened once or twice before)!  Who do these people think they are anyway??  And I won't take it lying down, most definitely will not accept having my character (flawless to date) being called into question because I had the balls to do something exciting and fun, harmless and innocent.  So I'll push forward!  Let them have the mini accomplishment, however unconscionable it may be.  I won't lose sleep over it (haven't so far).  Au contraire mes amis, I am all the more motivated and determined to get it going in a BIG way. Thank you! 

For all you dreamers out there, GO FOR IT!  Don't let the spineless hold you back.  Set yourself free and get it going. Don't waste another moment wondering about what could be.  Just take the leap of faith.  Who, at the end of their life, wants to say "I wish I would've done..." 

Thank you for reading!!
~Annie & Jerry

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