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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 51 - Steady now...

This week's goal?  Hold steady, stay strong, keep healthy and focus...most importantly, breathe.

Yesterday was a busy Monday for me at my day job.  I was exhausted upon returning home.  But, thank goodness, Jerry was rockin' it out with the phone calls and emails to showrooms.  Here's this week's schedule:

Today: Lunch with a great helper, Sade, who has offered pro-bono PR work.  Who could be so kind as to do so?  Well, good friends lead you to new good friends and that's really what makes the world go round, isn't it?

Tonight: Interview!

Tomorrow: Dinner with our sales guy.  He has a name...Brandon.  We can't wait to get him fully on board.  It's new for us and new for him, so exciting for both of us! 

Also important, we need to launch our website!  We are super duper excited about it!  Just need to make it happen now and we're sooooo close.  We're putting a hold on the video clip for the initial launch, just until we have a chance to pull it together in the right way.  It'll follow shortly though.

Thursday: I'll just say it's gonna be hectic.  Thursday night, we have a fashion week event to attend for a friend's line plus, after that, a meeting at my church.  We're working to plan a meatball cookoff to raise money for a family in need from our church.  If you don't make time to help people in need, what's the point, right?  Good thing Mike and I have our own recipe for killer meatballs!  I'm willing to share the recipe if you're interested;-)  Yummmy.

Friday: Another event after work.  Good networking opportunity.

Weekend?  What MUST happen for Overton Monroe is yet to be determined.  I suppose that depends on how successful our week goes!  One thing for's Valentine's Day weekend so I have a date with my husband to a little Italian restaurant.  Other than that let's hope the weekend involves some down time and relaxation...Jerry and I can both use a little time to chill out.

Just for fun, I'm attaching here our Profile Photo of Jerry and I.  This will be on our site.  Neither of us are picture takers but we like this one! 

1 comment:

  1. Cute Picture... sounds like a really busy but exciting week.......Good Luck and God Bless you....Love, Mom
