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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 52 - We've only just begun

So you may be wondering...where does the blog go from here?  We have shared quite a few photos so now we're back to mostly writing (for the moment anyway).  The point was to write a blog about a start-up of a fashion line, what it takes to pull it off, exposing the bumps in the road, from the initial concept through launching the line - From Start to Fashion: The Making of Overton Monroe. 

We are just about launched but there is still PLENTY to write about!  While we are basically wrapping up the development portion of the process, we still have to get our sales, make production, ship the product and get the product on the retail floors.  We have an entire other half of the business still to write about.  We've only just begun.  Hang with us....we expect Overton Monroe to be an exciting ride!

Quick updates:
1/ Last night, Jerry and I were interviewed for our very first press article!  We are looking forward to next week when the article is published.  Stay tuned for the link to that!  Thank you Tamara;-)

2/ Our sales meeting tonight is moved to Friday due to a last minute conflict with my schedule.  No harm, no foul here.

3/ Jerry is taking our look book to print today!  This is a big deal so we're super excited to get the proof and pick up our official hardcopies on Monday (we hope).  Crossing our fingers everything looks great on the first proof, which we'll see tomorrow.

4/ Website is JUST about there!  Phone call with Squirrel Media this morning and we should be good to go.  Will keep you posted on that front as soon as we are launched.'ll be the first to know!

5/ Finally, we decided we do NOT like the profile photo of Jerry & I.  So we'll be taking a new picture....see if we can't get it to be a little more flattering.  Definitely on the bottom of the priority list but....

Thanks to you all!  Keep on following!

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