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Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 50 - Busy, busy, busy and...we're going with "B"!

We had a mix of opinions for Friday's pics.   We decided to go with "B" for a few reasons.  We LOVE what Kylee is doing in this photo and her facial expression is really pulling you in...Zach's arms look great too.  AND, this image will be placed in our video clip, flashed for about 2 seconds.  So for that purpose, the more we reviewed it, we love this image the best.

This weekend was quite busy here at Overton Monroe.  Here's how it went:

Saturday, Jerry and I spent the day laying out the final choices of our Look Book.  We're very happy with the result.  So we PDF'd the look book, printed the labels, and burned the DVDs.  This way, we are all set to start passing out the digital look book to whomever's hands we can get these into.  Look book attached here!  Hope you like what you helped to create!

Cousin Annette came through for us!!  She color corrected all of our website photos.  This was a big concern of ours but...check! Thanks to Annette.

Jerry and I worked on the website quite a bit.  On our "Collections" page, which is the page where you can see all of the styles in the Fall 2011 collection, we needed to work out concerns we had with the "Details" pages.  So we created (actually Jerry did the work while I watched the Steelers lose Super Bowl XLV) all 15 of the details pages.  This way, Squirrel Media can easily upload that information and get the site launched asap this week...just in time for NYC's Fall 2011 Fashion Week.  We are shooting for a Tuesday/Wednesday launch of the site.  Cross your fingers!

We also have great news! 

1) We have a sales guy on board.  Our very good friend who will be helping to make some calls for us and network with some industry insiders.  We are thrilled that he's coming on board! 

2) Jerry and I have an interview this week!  For a cool magazine.  So we've put together some intro information for that and sent it over to the writer last night.

Things are popping!  Keep on watching!

THANK YOU! Annie & Jerry~

Look Book:

By the way, that funny looking thing on the last page is a QR code.  If you place your smart phone's bar code reader over it, the little symbol will bring you directly to  Thank you Uncle John for that cool little tip!

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