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Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 59 - Refreshed refreshing to have a weekend away. Don't get me wrong, a weekend at home in PA is never quite "relaxing." No, that's not the word I'd use, but rejuvenating, motivating, refreshing...yes. That's more like it.

There's nothing more important than spending time with the people who support you, family and friends, the ones who conditioned you, who created your world, who love you, who made you the person you are, those who understand the true you. It all really puts things into perspective.

So here we are, driving across the state. I remind myself that merely 4 months ago, on this same highway, making the same drive across PA (only I was with my husband that time), Jerry and I decided to take that leap of faith and officially establish OM after more than three years of talking about it. And thank God we did.

Tomorrow is a big day for us. Lots of exciting things including what we hope to be an awesome interview. Wednesday, we're being filmed for another interview and we have two others on deck thereafter.

On top of that, we have trade shows to visit and, at the end of the week, I'm heading to New Orleans to hit up the boutiques on Magazine Street.

Our sales pro is all over the NYC Metro area calling boutique after boutique. We are on a roll and making a splash.

Thanks for following!
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