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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 48 - Shirley "A" Wins. On to the Website!

It was unanimous!  Shirley "A" is the winner!  Thanks for voting.

We're making significant headway with the website.  Just about complete.  Targeting the launch for roughly this time next week.  Before we can do that, we have lots of decisions and editing to take care of.  Squirrel Media has our 15 looks, so we're set with the photo selects.  However, now that we see the pics all together, we can tell that they need a little more work.  So, we'll be dealing with that over the weekend (might need my amazingly talented graphic artist cousin's help to get it right;-).  We need to get the shading to match from image to image.

A handful of other minor comments after reviewing the updated site last night.  We're confident these adjustments will get us right where we want to be!

The next thought regarding the website is getting that video clip together.  We made several selections for these photos too but again, color correcting will take a minute.  Plus, we still have so many decisions to make...which is where we need your help! 

Which do you like??



Finally, we are just dying to get a showroom on board but we're running out of time (thinking about the fact that NYC fashion week starts next week).  So it seems, we're on to plan B!  We're just gonna have to sell it on our own.  This weekend, we'll have to pull together a list of hot stores and start hitting the pavement.  Anybody out there have a knack for selling clothing to better boutiques??

Thanks for reading!  It's Thursday and everybody's working for the weekend!  Can't wait to catch my breath.  Oh...wait, it's the Super Bowl and the Steelers are playing.  Guess my Sunday is all tied up with game plans.  Oh well, that'll be fun!  See you tomorrow!


  1. I like A, it shows the side detail!
    Annette B.

  2. I like B. Annie, I know a couple fashion buyers with a lot of experience. Please email me for more information.
