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Monday, November 22, 2010

Thrown in

The Shop was absolutely amazing. There were tons of industrial machines and sergers. The space consisted of a large work room with about thirty or more of us in there. Crafts, Dyeing, and Wigs all had their own spaces with in the Costume Shop. Really Impressive. The Shop was made of of about seven draping teams. I was so excited to meet my team-Joan's team. Our team consisted of the draper, two first hands , a couple of stitchers and 2 apprentices. Everyone on my team seemed to be nice; that is until I was introduced to the male first hand. I just knew it was not going to work out, just from the way Joan said "and this is your boss____." The word boss seemed to really light up his dreary eyes. The first day with him was OK--boy was he quite the micro manager.
Great, the day is over. One of the coolest people I met the first day was, Jamie; who was the other African American male in the shop. Also, as it turns out, opera housing just knew we would be perfect roommates. I wonder why..... maybe because we were both tall.

I believe it was the second day during lunch that Jamie and I met Annie. Thank God for the two of them. They got it. We all wanted nothing to do with those 'typical Costume Types,' you know of whom I speak. The ones sitting around on a break knitting, when we have been sewing all day-give it a rest already. Those who wear crafty projects for clothing and have personalized licences plates like 'SEWHAT or SEWBIZ. We were the cool kids. Ok lets just talk about lunch at the opera-- Grand. The Food is gourmet, prepared by professional chefs. There is a swimming pool just in case you need to take a dip. This was the setting for tons of wonderfully Stimulating conversations between the three of us.

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