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Monday, November 29, 2010

"I can't work like this"

The Summer was rolling right along. We were working like 14 hour days often. Not only did we have to sew all day in the costume shop; at night we had to run the operas as a part of the wardrobe. The Wardrobe crew is in charge of checking all costume items in at the beginning of the show and back in at the end of the show. There are many obvious reasons for this: all items are there for the next show, it reminds the actors they are responsible for all items, and it deters theft of very expensive opera costumes and accessories. The festival consisted of four major operas. Each dresser was given a few chorus members to check in for one or two operas. This was so much fun-- it was here the summer took off for me. My Friends, Annie, Jamie and myself were becoming really close. I guess this can happen when you are together so many hours of the day and night. We also started to meet many of the Chorus members, who were also in the apprentice program. It was a blast, every person there was 100% a Character. And believe me, they did not leave the 'drama' on the stage. Often times after the shows we would go to one particular watering hole 'The Cowgirl." It was the eclectic bar, you could find , hippies, cowboys queens, gays, well pretty much every type there. Fun times.
For the remaining shows we were assigned to a principle singer. This is where having a good personality really comes in handy. As a principle dresser you basically are with the Singer from the moment they arrive till the moment the show is over. We were responsible for: helping them get dressed, accompanying them to the stage for entrances, setting up and conducting all quick changes or various accessory changes; and finally making sure you had water for them at any possible moment they required it. In other words we were their shadows. As you can imagine it was very important to have a good working relationship with your singer, after all they held the power to make your life heaven or a living hell. I remember one of the well known divas of the summer slapping her dresser's hand because the zipper got caught in her flesh. The Diva then proceeded to yell down the hall way at the general director; "John, Now, I can't work like this!" I remember having this internal explosion of laughter---so thankful it was not me. At the end of the summer if you did a really good job with your singer, it is appropriate for them to tip you out-- Lets just say I got a really good tip.

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