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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 68 - Bust

It's snowing....I mean, c'mon Mother Nature, haven't we had enough torture for one year?  And it's not just is actually piling up.  What the hell??

Alrighty, so moving on, Bendel Open See is likely not gonna work out for us.  They are clear that no apparel can be shown.  Damn it!  But fair enough, they are an accessories retailer so...

Jerry is working.  Got a great job!  Congratulations to him!  We are working through how to manage our time and still push forward with OM.  Gotta keep a good balance, which we've handled quite well so far.  I don't foresee any problems with this, as we can both manage heavy workloads at work and with OM quite well while keeping the responsibilities 100% separate.  Plus, we LOVE this stuff, all of it.  The more, the better.  We love being enveloped in the world of fashion.  It's in our bones, it's our air.

We started talking with PR we have to figure out if and when we can afford it.  I mean, I had no idea this stuff was so expensive but I also know it is a necessary expense if we want to expedite the awareness and subsquent success of OM.  So, we'll bide our time and ensure that we make a well informed, well educated decision.

Thanks for following!  More to come.

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