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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

End of Summer

The Summer was coming to an end. What a whirlwind of emotions and experience it had been. Not only had I gained a great deal of knowledge about Costuming, but also made an incredible friend, Annie. The culmination of the season was the apprentice showcase. The Apprentice singers sang various opera scenes and we costumed them. I worked on a scene from Don Giovanni, as well what I called "the stuttering alien opera" with Annie. This was our first artistic collaborative experience. Our Stuttering green skinny Alien was a success as well as our ability to work together.
The summer was over, time to head back to WVU and say good by to friends, or so I thought. It turns out Annie was only an hour or so away from me in the Pittsburgh area. We were able to continue on. I remember she and her Mother coming to see a production of "'Dancing at Lughasha I designed at school the following fall.
Funny how life brings people together. As it turns out, Annie would keep on popping up in my life. More about that next time.

1 comment:

  1. Jerry, you are doing a great job..I love reading your I told Annie, I can't wait for the next one......Seriously, maybe a book?????
