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Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 9 - Taking a break to save lives! Plus the Training Continues.

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Yes, this is a blog about Overton Monroe and the making of a fashion line.  I didn't intend to use this as a platform to "plug" my bro's company so I'll make it brief.  Today I'm taking a step back to something far more important...saving lives.  Millions of lives around the world.  I love writing the blog but, just to keep myself in check, it would be a disservice not mention Epiphany Solar Water Systems.  Why today?  Well, Epiphany was featured on WQED Pittsburgh 360 last night ( 

Here's the deal: Tommy and his team of engineers have created a solar powered water purification unit. The uniqueness of his system is that the unit is actually very simple, portable, sustainable, easy to maintain and affordable. It has been developed to both purify water and desalinate the water which covers more than 70% of our planet.  Most important is that unit is powered 100% by solar energy. Therefore, people currently suffering from the lack of clean water are also not bound by the need for electricity, which is likely either unavailable or unaffordable to those who are in most need of drinking water. That quality combined with the green energy supply really is what makes this technology cutting edge.  Epiphany is focused on saving and improving the lives of those in need.  His intentions are completely pure and his goal is to stop the suffering around the globe by providing clean drinking water to under-developed areas of our world. This is really his mission and, I believe, his purpose.  He is a key innovator of our time. Please help spread the word!!  Thank you!
And now.....back to the blog.  Home again, home again jiggety jog... 

Chicago was great.  I learned all about the the history of fashion and key fashion designers.  I had a sewing class, a color class, an ethics class.  We spent time visiting museums and working on the school's fashion shows.  My final project was a study on the history, culture and ad campaigns of Benetton.  That was my first experience communicating and working with an international design house.  I hit the jackpot in choosing Benetton as my subject.  They provided me with a ton of old prints and ads used over the years and they were flawless in providing me with insight into the goings on at the company.  Success!  A+ on the project.  Even more exciting is that this project opened my eyes to the worldly reach of the industry.  And once again, the world was getting smaller while the opportunities seemed endless.

I needed a job to make ends meet.  Thanks to a friend from good 'ole New Castle, Rachel helped me to secure a job behind the scenes dressing models and prepping the clothes for Elite Model Management.  I was beyond excited when my first paycheck arrived with the Elite Model Management logo at the top.  Oh my goodness!  I was in the industry!  First foot in the door. 

I did a little side work for fashion shows at Nordstrom and a local Armitage Ave boutique while juggling a second job at Pottery Barn for $10/hour and a 50% discount on items in the store.  Jackpot again!  Just in time for Christmas!

Somewhere in there, I think it was our 3rd date, Mike brought me to my first real fashion show.  Betsey Johnson.  It was amazing.  For me, at 21 years old, this whole experience was stimulation overload!

But it was just a semester leave of absence.  And I still wanted to graduate in 4 years.  In order to do that, I needed to go back to Allegheny for my last three semesters.  So in December of 2000, after my short 3 month yet significantly impactful stint in Chicago, I returned to New Castle.  In January it was back to school and back to reality in Meadville, PA.

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