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Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The Opera was so stimulating to my artistic senses. We were working with some of the top designers in the world of opera and they were all very eccentric. Well who in the arts isn't eccentric, right. The designer who left the greastest impression on was Bruno Spengle from Austria. I swear he has to be the inspiration for the character in the movie Bruno. He was designing Costumes and Scenery for Strauss' Elektra. This is one funny man, he would walk around stirring his tea in a fine delicate porcelain mug, saying 'Oh, I don't know, just make it beautiful and mysterious." He drove many of the Drapers insane with his very artistic description of what exactly he wanted, But I was in love with his work. In the end the show was truly stunning. Another Designer I learned a great deal from was this English lady named Isabel. She is the reason I am now the master of continuous bias strips. I was making this bias trim for one of her civil war era gowns for Ermione. She literally would measure it over and over--- if it was an eighth of an inch off; you guessed it-- I had to start all over. I redid it like six times. Although it was very frustrating at times, I learned the importance of having an eye for detail. It is amazing how the smallest, seemly insignificant detail can really enhance a garment and the story.

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