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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Post 75 - Bliss

No excuses! Just busy like everyone else I guess. Not much to report on the OM front. We are plugging away. So we by-passed the Resort 2011 season for obvious reasons; that being no sales yet and little capital to develop that season. HOWEVER, Spring 2012 is a MUST. That said, Jerry has sketches ready to go. We are keeping it tight and targeted to 2 groups. We need to be careful and do not want to Waste time or dollars by overdeveloping. That'll kill a biz before even getting off the ground. So 2 groups it is and they are super cute. Sketches to follow.

But....I absolutely need to share my incredible experience from last evening. You all know Bob Mackie, right? I mean really, who doesn't. Well, last night I attended an event put together by the man himself, right here in his NYC offices. In a gorgeous office on a gorgeous floor of an iconic NYC building right at Grand Central, pure bliss! Loads of artwork, costume designs, Collection designs, furniture and OMG this was my heaven. Bob and Edith and the others in their league (though not many can touch that level of talent) are my idols. Some people drool over movie stars and rock stars. For me? Just show me some costume designs drafted for Mitzy or Cher and I'm set. Don't get me wrong, I have the same geeky excitement toward the big leaguers in the Fashion Industry of course! Somewhere deep down, that love for costuming is totally still hanging around. Hmmm, Hollywood perhaps?? Damn...time just seems to keep on slipping right through my fingers. There's a reason mankind has been seeking immortality, the fountain of youth and all that good stuff. I can't imagine I'm the only one thinking "how the hell am I gonna fit into this life everything I want to do?".

See y'all soon!