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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 27 - And.....GO! One down.

Just three updates to report today. 

Most important...we have our 1st sample!   Almost anyway.  We still need to add the straps, press her out and correct the finishing just a tad BUT the garment is made.  Her name is "Lucy" and her style number is FA201113, her description is "Easy A-Line with shirring at the bust". 

That's 1 down...2 to go this week!  Jerry is starting on our "Betty" today. Between you and me, she's my favorite;-)

Secondly, we've got a label manufacturer working on our main labels.  I forgot to put that on yesterday's "to-do" list.  Since I failed to get the venue's director on the phone, does it count that another task took it's place?  I'm going with YES.  At least it's forward progress!  Basically our label is a woven version of our new & improved logo.  Filip is awesome and hopes to pass something for us to see by the end of this week.  We have a little time on this, as we really can wait until production before adding the labels.

Thirdly, all Tech Packs are created with fit comments, photos and details about each garment. Once they are a little bit cleaned up, I'll post those pics so you can see what that looks like.  Tech packs are the map of the garment, it's the blueprint and you can't make production without it really, I mean unless everything is being made in house.

Today's plan (although I have a SERIOUSLY busy day at my 9-5er...hope I get it done!):
Get the venue's director on the phone - TUESDAY TODAY
Finalize our photographer - TODAY
Finalize hair stylist and makeup artist - TODAY

See you tomorrow!

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